Definitions of Some Terms

Labor Remainder — If you budget your labor, this will be the difference between the budgeted amount and the accrued amount.

Percent Complete — How much of the actual work have you gotten done?

Percent Invoiced — Percent of the fee that has been invoiced.

Percent Of Contract — The value divided by the fee and represented as a percentage.

Profit Percent — The profit divided by the fee and represented as a percentage.

Projected Billings — Total of expenses to be billed, pass-thrus to be billed, and work in progress (WIP).

Status — A value you select from your settings to indicate the status.

To Be Billed Expenses — Expenses marked as 'bill to client' but have not yet been invoiced.

To Be Billed Pass-Thrus — Pass-Thrus that have not yet been invoiced.