In the application, go to Settings | Project to find your list of SOV Master Items.
Schedule of Values (SOV) is a common term for the bid breakdown often required to be submitted by a general contractor at bid openings. It lists the contract amounts for all of the major sub-contractors, typically any trade representing 10% or more of the total contract. We have elected to use this acronym because writing out "Probable Cost of Construction" just didn't fit in our navigation bar.
We said all that to let you know that our system can track the estimated and actual construction costs of your projects. And if you take the time to enter the information the system will give you data such as your fee as a percentage of construction cost and the construction cost per square foot (or meter).
Here in settings, you can set up Master Items to use when entering the construction estimate. You can be very detailed or as general as you like with your estimates. Some of our users break their estimates down by specification section while others choose to just use a few lines. Either way, it is your data and as we mentioned above, it will tell you things like cost per area and your fee as a percentage of construction cost.
Our system further breaks your estimates down into two categories, Our Work and Others Work. Our work is to signify that this portion of the construction cost is work that your firm is designing. While Other Work, is for work being designed by other consultants. Let's say you are the Mechanical Engineer for a project, the HVAC and Plumbing would be considered your work, and everything else would be others' work. You might have only three items in your estimate; HVAC, Plumbing, and Remainder. This would then tell you the cost of the work you were responsible for designing along with the total cost of the project.