Invoice Column Set Field Descriptions

This is a list of the available fields that need their values explained.

Inv Date IssuedDate of the Invoice
Inv Date DueDue Date of the Invoice
Inv Date PaidDate the invoice was paid in full
Inv Days OutThe lessor of the days since the invoice was issued or the days it took to get paid
Inv POPurchase Order or Client Reference Number
Inv Profit CenterWhich profit center is the invoice associated with
Amount Line Fixed FeeSum of Fixed Fee Line Items
Amount Line HourlySum of Hourly Line Items
Amount Line Cost PlusSum of Cost Plus Line Items
Amount Line ExpenseSum of Expense Line Items
Amount Line Pass-ThruSum of Pass-Thru Line Items
Amount Line Add-OnSum of Add-On Line Items
Amount Line DiscountSum of Discount Line Items
Amount Line Write-OffAmount that was written off as bad debt
Amount SubtotalSum of All Line Items
Amount TaxCalculated tax value for taxable line items
Amount TotalSubtotal plus Tax
Amount ReceivedSum of amounts applied from payments and retainers
Amount Balance DueTotal minus amounts received
Amount LiabilityThe amount that is earmarked to be paid out to sub-consultants
Amount NetThe amount of the invoice that you get to keep (Total minus Liability)
Project Time Slip - Date FirstEarliest date of linked time slips
Project Time Slip - Date LastLatest date of linked time slips
Project Time Slip - Days Since Last   Calculations of days since the date of the last linked time slip
Staff AuthorWho created the invoice
Staff Project PrimaryWho was the project primary at the time the invoice was created