Subscription, Users, and Access Groups

User Invites

User invitations happen in the frontend system where users enter their login credentials. Here is a video that shows how to send invitations to your staff.

Managing Users

This video will go through the process of managing your subscription and users - aka staff.

Changing User Access

User Access Groups and what each group has access to are handled in the application, but assigning users or staff to various access groups or levels happens on the front end. This video will walk you through changing a user's access group. In addition to the instructions in this video, here is a simple 3-step process to change a user's access level. - Deactivate the user(s) - Change your subscription counts - Reactivate the user(s) at their new level

Access Groups

Under Access, you will create Access Groups. All users, or staff, assigned to a particular Access Group will share the same access and privileges. There are three levels of Access Groups: Financial, Production, and Limited. Financial Access Groups can be granted access to all areas of the solution. This is the only level that can access financial information within the system. Production Access Groups can be granted access to all non-financial areas of the solution. Limited Access Groups ar...

Assigning Users to Access Groups

Assigning users, or staff, to Access Groups is handled in our front-end system. You can change a user's Access Group at any time, but it must be done here, rather than within the app. If you are an administrative user, then when you log in you will land on our front-end dashboard where you can continue into the application or manage your account. If you are not an administrator, you will be taken directly into the application. Click the Orange Manage Account button to continue... Now you wi...

Hiding Pay Rates & Labor Costs

You can hide user pay rates and labor costs with a single click of a button on any Access Group. Here is a video that will walk you through the results of doing so.

Cancel Account

We will be sad to see you go. We made this process simple. - Log in and choose Manage Account. - Under Manage Subscription, choose Cancel Subscription. This will take you to our subscription management system. - Final click, choose Cancel subscription. One Two Three