Assigning Users to Access Groups

Assigning users, or staff, to Access Groups is handled in our front-end system. You can change a user's Access Group at any time, but it must be done here, rather than within the app.

If you are an administrative user, then when you log in you will land on our front-end dashboard where you can continue into the application or manage your account. If you are not an administrator, you will be taken directly into the application.

Click the Orange Manage Account button to continue...

Now you will see your account details. Select manage users in the left menu pane.

Now you should see a list of active users. Click on the user you would like to modify.

Finally, click on the Access field and select the appropriate access group from the popup menu. Be sure and hit the Save Changes button that will be presented at the bottom of the screen.

Need assistance? Give us a call at +1 (775) 852-3000 and we will cheerfully assist you.