Added Notes field as an option for Labor downloads.
Doubled the size of the notes field on itemized labor reports to accommodate wordy explanations.
Fixed a bug that prevented the user from navigating from Project Phases to linked Time Slips.
Billing Enhancement! When invoicing for in-house expenses such as plots and laser prints, users are charging a fixed price for these, so the expense markup, if any, should not be applied. Previously, all expenses had the default markup rate for the given project applied, and it would have to be manually removed from these line items. Now the system knows if the expense is not an external expense such as travel, parking, or reprographics from a vendor and does not apply markup to the invoice line item. The user can always edit a line item and add a markup if necessary.
Updated behind-the-scenes processes for better performance.
Oops... when we fixed the time slip admin issue in release 74, we only did so under Labor, not realizing that the issue was replicated under Time (time slips can be modified under two areas, Time and Labor). Now both areas are working fine.