Phases should be the fourth data set that you import when getting started with Base Builders and must be imported and processed AFTER Projects have been imported.
Each column of the spreadsheet is pre-mapped to data fields within the Base Builders system. You are welcome to leave columns and/or cells blank but do not delete or add any columns. Simply copy your data from whatever system(s) you are currently using and paste it into this spreadsheet. Keep the header row with field labels that will be used when importing.
Project Number: Project numbers must be an EXACT match with project numbers you imported under projects.
Project Name: This column is optional. It is here to assist you as you build your data for importing.
Phase Name: What is with the name "Catching Up"? For your closed-out projects, you do not need to enter every phase but could enter a single phase that will encompass the entire project. It is up to you to decide how much detail you would like to keep. However you do it, we really want you to enter at least one phase so you can get your fees imported into the system. If your project was billed on an hourly basis you will enter the total amount you ended up billing for the phase. For projects that are still in process, we recommend entering all of your current phases.
Status: There are only two valid values - Closed and Open.
Budget Hrs: Our system tracks your accrued hours against your budgeted hours. We also create many different ratios about the hours spent on your projects such as Fee per Hour. Budgeting hours is not required, but it is highly recommended.
Fee Format: There are three valid values - Fixed Fee, Hourly, and Cost Plus. By the way, each project can have a mix of phase formats.
Fee: This is your contracted amount or your targeted amount for Hourly and Cost Plus phases.
Billings: This is how much of your fee you have invoiced. This should not include reimbursable expenses or other pass-thru values. When the phase is processed into our system a catch-up invoice will be created for the amount listed in this column. We know that you may have actually issued several invoices to get to this value but for getting things up to speed a single catch-up invoice will be created.
Receipts: This is how much money your client has paid you towards the fees billed for the phase. Again, it should not include receipts for reimbursable expenses or other pass-thru items. When the phase is processed into our system an income item will be generated to the amount listed in this column and it will be applied against the matching catch-up invoice.